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Guild of Heroes: Fantasy RPG

Guild of Heroes: Fantasy RPG
Guild of Heroes: Fantasy RPG



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  • Updated Time:

    October 6, 2021

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  • Requirements:


  • Latest Version:


  • Updated Time:

    October 7, 2021

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Tap across an exhilarating fantasy setting and join other heroes in their battle against evil.

Nowadays, virtually any game sporting the word "heroes" on its title is fraught with genericness, and this game doesn't promise anything different.

I should say, it's not a bad game at its core. It has potential in droves, just as with many other games in this genre. The graphics are noteworthy, with stylish assets and terrains. They're on the cartoonish side, meaning that they should age well in the years ahead. You'll also witness flashy spell effects, a sine qua non in high-fantasy titles.

The visuals remind me of League Of Legends quite a lot, signaling the direction the developers wanted this game to be steered towards. It does play a lot like League in some segments, and the premise is "eerily" similar. 

I must say I was also pleasantly surprised by the soundtrack. It's not the most memorable soundtrack I've heard, but it surely has some character, which is more than I can say about most high-fantasy massively multiplayer online games. Despite this game's overall setting looking like your typical copy/paste of Middle Earth, there is a mix of fanfare and atmosphere in the musical output. During some segments, you'll even hear Diablo-esque 12-string guitars strumming in the distance to great effect.

Nevertheless, while the music is good in itself, the coding leaves a bit to be desired. In my experience, the constant fade-outs before battles were too noticeable during my playthroughs, and immersion suffered a bit as a result. Nothing too big, but certainly annoying.

Make no mistake, though. This game is generic high-fantasy at its core. You'll find the usual wizards, orcs, trolls, arachnoids, and a plethora of other creatures oftentimes found in other countless Tolkien-based stories. Still, It's fine generic high-fantasy, especially during the first stages. Alas, there are some serious drawbacks that stick out like a sore thumb.

The first annoyance is the grindy nature of this game in its intermediary levels. You'll find yourself raiding dungeons repeatedly, turning what at first is seemingly a decent game into busy work. These games are supposed to grant us hours of entertainment after work, not to make us work some more. Of course, all of this is to "encourage" you to buy diamonds and to get into the game's VIP program. 

At this point, many will point to the Auto Play feature, which is supposed to make the grinding more tolerable. Unfortunately, the problem with this Auto Play feature is precisely its very existence and the reasoning behind it. 

Trust me, if you feel compelled to appease players by relinquishing their control during boring grinding tasks, then you should seriously reconsider why you're making a game in the first place. There may be some legitimate uses of an Auto Play feature (though I'm struggling to find one right now) but we've been fine without it for a good 30 or 40 years of gaming. The fact that it's become so prevalent is a worrying omen for the future (and present) of gaming.

How to play

Guild of Heroes - Fantasy RPG is a massively multiplayer online dungeon crawler with role-playing elements that's played from an isometric perspective. It could be considered a Diablo clone but with distinctive high-fantasy overtones.

After you create your character from one out of three templates - namely, archer, mage, or warrior - you are immediately introduced to the first area of the game, consisting of a wheatfield of sorts. You get to witness a battle between a mage and some "gremlins". After the gremlins are beaten, the mage immediately tells you to follow him. Suddenly, you find a mysterious black mage who appears to be the source of the hordes you're encountering and whom you'll be engaging with the aid of the mage you met at the beginning.

As soon as the black mage is defeated (at least momentarily) by your ally, he resurrects you (since you die during that boss fight) and instructs you to eliminate the gremlins lingering in the area and then find the "Scout Captain" near the gates afterward to continue your journey.

After you beat the starting area, you'll arrive at Greyhaven, which serves as the game's main hub. In this area, you can level up your character, upgrade skills, brew potions, and manage your inventory for the next dungeon.

The game map has 8 different biomes comprising various stages. This would convey the sense of traversing across a big, sprawling world. You'll be exploring forests, mountains, ruins, and swamps, among other environments. Additionally, being essentially an online game, you can enroll in player vs. player (PvP) battles and team up with other players for assorted benefits. You can either join other guilds or create your own.

The game is not controlled in the typical manner of other dungeon crawlers that rely on a joystick and a series of command buttons. Instead, you control your character by tapping on the desired destination. Likewise, attacks are triggered by tapping on the target. In addition, you have 5 skill slots - that can be activated after a cooldown - next to the life orb. At the bottom-right corner, you'll find the Auto Play button.

Abilities (or special skills) are swappable as you collect special ability gems. They can be obtained from locked chests that can be opened via keys found scattered throughout the levels. You'll only find one gem in each chest, but you can get additional gems payable with diamonds, which are the game's premium currency. The abilities are class-bound, so you can only choose those that match your specific class.

Lastly, as said earlier, the game gets increasingly hard as you progress through its stages, requiring you to beat dungeons several times. While Auto Play can help get you through some of the grind, the feature is rendered largely useless during the latter part of the game because you'll often end up dying anyway.

Guild of Heroes - Fantasy RPG has the trappings of a good old-school high-fantasy game but is fraught with terrible balancing issues and pay-to-win antics. In theory, you could beat this game without paying a dime, but the alternative route is probably grindy enough to make you lose interest, which is not helped by the fact that the story is difficult to get invested in.

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